CWJ-Mt.FUJI01 Mt. Fuji 100km Ride

Around Mt. Fuji while always feeling that big presence nearby. When the field of vision opens, the mountains in Japan make me appear.

When I say a single round of Mt. Fuji by bicycle, there may be images that seem quite difficult, but it is not actually the case.
Although it can take various routes, it is possible to set a route that is just 100 km away, even if it is not an experienced rider but can go back around in a day.
This route is a cyclical route around Lake Kawaguchi, a route around Mt. Fuji which is a counterclockwise turning point at Fuji View Hotel. I travel around Mt. Fuji at a mileage of 109.2 km.
Avoid high-traffic highway roads as much as possible, run on the road surrounded by the sea or on a quiet mountain road. However, please be careful as the traffic volume will inevitably increase around Gotemba city.
Although there are three large climbing zones, climbing up to about 1,000 m in altitude, it is a level that you can challenge even from beginner to intermediate level.

After passing Masayoshi Road Station, I will leave the national highway and gradually climb the road that penetrates between the Aokigahara jikai spreading at the foot of Mount Fuji.

After passing the signal beyond the first peak, exhilarating downhill while watching the foot of Mt. Fuji and majestically spreading to the left on the left.

Climb to the entrance of the Mt. Fuji skyline section, and enter the forest road “Fuji Mountain Foot Line”, a quiet road with a pleasant up and down continues.

After going through the Self-Defense Forces Higashi Fuji Exercise Area, go to a country road that runs side by side, avoiding Route 469, which has a lot of traffic. View of Mt. Fuji from rice field.

When coming near the Kusumi IC, stop by Fuji Asama Shrine, one of the constituent assets of World Heritage · Mt. Fuji. A wonderful stone torii written as “Fujiyama” is a landmark.

If it crosses the last peak “Kagasaka Pass”, the rest is on the descending basis and the remaining 20 km.